A man of the dawn: Darrell Newell (Passamaquoddy) -- "Indians 101": Elizabeth Lohah Homer (Osage) -- A trio of Lumbees: Pamela Brooks Sweeney, Curt Locklear, and Mary Ann Cummings Jacobs -- Elders of the Haudenosaunee: Darwin Hill (Tonawanda Seneca) and Geraldine Green (Cattaraugus Seneca) -- City kid: Ansel Deon (Lakota/Navajo) -- The drum keeper: Rosemary Berens (Ojibwe) -- "How's everybody doing tonight?": Marcus Frejo, aka Quese IMC (Pawnee/Seminole) -- Tales from Pine Ridge: Karen Artichoker, with Heath Ducheneaux and Dwanna Oldson (Lakota) -- "Get over it!" and other suggestions: Patty Talahongva (Hopi) -- The former president: Claudia Vigil-Muniz (Jicarilla Apache) -- Practicing medicine: Harrison Baheshone (Navajo) -- The kin of Sacajawea: Emma George and Summer Morning Baldwin (Lemhi Shoshone) -- Indian humor: Carol Craig (Yakama) -- Powwow power: Tom Phillips (Kiowa) -- Relearning for life: Henry Frank (Yurok) -- Eskimo ice cream: Christine Guy (Yup'ik) -- Aloha from Hawai'i : Charles Ka'upu Jr.